Tuesday, 16 April 2013

E's New Apron

I spent the last couple of days making this apron for E:

She loves it, especially the extra-large pocket in the front. We were in the garden today and the pocket was soon filled with garden gloves, sample leaves and herbs, and other random treasures. I usually just wing it when I'm making aprons, but this time I used a pattern from "Carefree Clothes for Girls". I've made lots of lovely things from that book. :)
Here's a picture of the back:

There's one big button to close behind the neck, a transparent one found in my stash. I added a big patch, in the same material as the pocket, to cover up a tear in the base fabric (which used to be a pair of men's pants).

I'm really happy with how this turned out and it was made completely with scraps that I already had at home.


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