Friday, 13 July 2012


Proud gardener
Lunch :)
Today was another beautiful, sunny day here in Western Australia. No woolly hats required. We sat outside and talked about the sun and E reminded me that we forgot to wear our sun-hats. We did more chalk drawings and we found little bugs in the garden (eating the broccoli!). E spotted a couple of eggplants ready for picking, so she did just that and picked them. It was already midday, so we brought them inside and turned them into lunch. Veggies are best when they're picked mere minutes before they're eaten.



  1. Awwwww look how grown up she looks!! And that lunch looks very yummy!

  2. We love fresh from the garden food. Mum has finally had some success with coriander (a key ingredient in our soup tonight) and I pick four oranges each morning (when I have time) for fresh squeezed juice for breakfast - even better lately when the oranges come in at about 4 degrees from the tree.

    1. We're growing coriander and it's doing really well. I need to find a good recipe to use it up before it goes to seed.
      Oh, it would be lovely to have fresh-picked oranges for juice. Our fruit trees are all too young yet to actually give us fruit and the last lot of oranges that I bought were rather bland.
