Mix, mix, mix |
I used to be a purist when it came to baking. Now there are always packet-cake (or packet-biscuit or packet-pudding) mixes in the pantry. They
provide just the right amount of steps for a toddler to participate in
almost every part of the process. I measure out the ingredients and help
to beat the egg(s). E then dumps the lot into a bowl. "Mix, mix, mix"
and the batter's ready.
If we're making a large cake, E will pour the batter into the pan. Today
we made "babycakes" or bite-size cupcakes, so it was Mama's job to fill
the pans and put them in the oven.
Do you see the black apron that E is wearing? I didn't really get a good photo of it. It's made from an old (adult-sized) t-shirt that never fit well. I simply cut straight down the middle of the front of the t-shirt (it had a "v" neckline) and went over the rough edges with the overlocker. The shirt already had ties at the waist, so it was done. The back of the t-shirt became the front of the apron and it's the perfect size for E. Easiest apron ever. And thanks to my sister for the hand-me-down shirt!
The finished babycakes |
<--Here's what the cakes looked like when they were done. They're strawberry flavoured and covered in sprinkles. Way too sweet, in my opinion. With the cakes being so small, the icing-to-cake ratio is all wrong. The sprinkles, whilst pretty, just add more unnecessary sugar. They're a good size for E, though, so we'll probably make "babycakes" again. I think we'll pick a nicer recipe next time. "Babymuffins" perhaps?
The weather here is still quite Summery, although the wind has picked up a bit this afternoon. We spent the rest of the morning in the backyard. It was lovely, just swinging on the swings and watering the garden (which I almost forgot to do - there's a sprinkler ban here over Winter, and isn't it supposed to rain, anyway?).